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Byzantine Church, the original building of which is the cruciform church with a dome, which is supported by four pillars with Roman capitals. It was built in the 11th century in honour of the Mother of God and in memory of her Presentation to the Church of God. 


It was named Kapnikarea, according to one point of view, after the person responsible for building the Church by collecting the fumerate tax (a type of tax for the construction works during the Byzantium times). Before those times, it was called Kamouharea from the word ‘Kamouha’ given, during the Byzantium times, to the  interwoven with gold textiles, most probably because the latter were found close to such factories. 

The Church has been under the ownership of the University of Athens since 1932. The administrative supervision is held by the Curator Board of the H. Church, which is comprised by Professors of the School of Theology of the NKUA whose president is the current provost of the Faculty. 


Address: 10, Kapnikareas str. Kapnikarea square, Athens

Telephone: +30 210-3224462  210-727 5764



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