The Physiology Museum "George Κotzias" of the Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), is housed in a specially designed area in the Physiology Laboratory of the Medical School, N.K.U.A.
The collections of the Museum are classified into thematic areas and particularly there are two (2) specialized collections: a) the collection of historical instruments of Physiology and b) the collection of G. Κotzias historical archive. Α primary goal of the Museum is the systematic preservation, exhibition and development of the number and types of the objects in each collection, as well as the enrichment of the scientific information regarding the origin and documentation of each object. The maintenance of the good condition of its collections is a primary concern of the Museum, providing the appropriate conditions for storage and exhibition as well as the care and maintenance of the objects in each collection, where necessary.
Director: Anastassios Philippou, Associate Professor, Physiology Laboratory
Tel.: +30 210-7462690
Xenia Gaitanari, Physiology Laboratory
Tel.: +30 210-7462592
Address: Medical School, 75 Mikras Asias, Goudi-Athens, 115 27